WPF vs ElectronJS
29 March 2019Several days ago, we got the final results of a comparison of WPF and ElectronJS performance for one of our projects. The applications should load quite big files with data series and show all the data on the same line chart. Of course, the application is doing much more functions, and we were working on it for 4+ years, but these is some of the most important features from point of view of performance. During loading data, we do a…Cross platform dictation app with IBM Watson and robotjs
01 March 2019Posting a link to a small demo application on GitHub to continue my previous post. The application is working as a dictation tool. To start the application, click the start button, then put focus on some text editor and start talking. To make it work, register a free account in IBM Cloud (https://cloud.ibm.com) then create Speech To Text service at (https://cloud.ibm.com/catalog/services/speech-to-text). Then just put your API key to the corresponding field in the application. The application is made…Kiosk applications with HTML/JavaScript
14 February 2019Recently one of our clients asked me about the possibility to build a kiosk application with a Mac mini and a huge display with touch support. The display is really big about 2 meters wide. Why Mac mini, I asked, it's expensive and makes no sense. The client answered — “we just have one and our admin is like Apple”. I've investigated a little and asked our devs to make a proof of concept. And we found that it's possible…Need to build a video chat or an online classroom. It’s simpler than you thought.
11 February 2019The technologies I'm going to describe here are several years old, but taking into account our client's questions, I decided to write this post. Imagine you need to build an online classroom solution. The core functionality will be online video, online whiteboard, online presentation, and other features that allow teachers to share materials in real-time. Let's first take a look at video streaming. We can use WebRTC to make it possible to stream video from a web camera (or any…