Drone Detection System
Our team took part in the development of some parts of the system like the live detection page. The live detection page overlays multiple sensors to give users a full view of your airspace. Identify threats before they're an issue. We integrate with multiple RF sensors, radars, and ADS-B to provide our clients with the most advanced layered security zones. This allows us to provide nearly instantaneous alerts when a UAV enters your monitored airspace.
Application to share Desktop
Application that allows users to share their desktop to another user. Application is compatible with Mac, Linux and Windows. Most functionality is similar to TeamViewer application. Application is developed with Electron.JS and WebRTC. Server side is based on Node.JS and Coturn server (https://github.com/coturn/coturn).
Drawing and Collaboration Tool
The application allows users to draw on top of any application on the desktop. Application allows to save drawings with screenshot and start collaboration session when several users can draw on the same desktop.
Kinetics Data Analysis Software
Kinetics and Epitope are complex biological data analysis toolkits, which effectively work with large datasets. The scope of functionality includes data preprocessing with different algorithms, graph theory problems, many types of fitting and domain specific analytical tools as well as generating various reports.